Eastham Cape Cod Beaches - First Encounter Beach

Samoset Road, Eastham, MA
First Encounter Beach is actually the site of the first encounter between the Pilgrims and the Indians when the Pilgrims were at the end of their voyage. They landed in Eastham after leaving Provincetown and before Plymouth. Both parties were surprised, and left quickly.
First Encounter is a beautiful, calm beach with warm gentle water and a small patch of grass. The tide goes way out, and the colors at sunset are spectacular. The water temperature is in the 60 to 70 degree range in the summer, and like all bay beaches, this is ideal for young children. The ice cream truck comes by several times a day.
There is a bathhouse, and a good size parking lot. This is a very popular spot to see the sun set; bring your camera and your bug spray! This is a town beach.
Handicap Parking: Yes
Resident Parking Fee: $25 beach sticker
Seasonal Parking Fee: $180 beach sticker
Daily Parking Fee: $15 (weekdays), $18 (weekends and holidays)
Weekly Parking fee: $65 (one week), $100 (two weeks)