Chatham Cape Cod Beaches - Monomoy Island

Monomoy Island is a nature refuge, accessible only by boat. This 2,750-acre area is home to dozens of species of birds, especially during the migrations. A list of 285 species of birds spotted on the Island is available. There are piping plovers, a protected species, so take care. This is also home to wonderful and rare plant life, managed to attract the migratory birds. Much of the plant and animal life can be viewed from the trails. Monomoy is comprised of dunes, ponds, and both fresh and salt water marshes. Harbor seals are a common sight, as are grey seals during the winter. Please keep in mind that these animals are wild and should not be approached.
This is a great location for fishing, with the cold Atlantic meeting the warmer waters of Nantucket sound.
This island is considered to be a national treasure, and as such is guarded zealously. Please read the guidelines carefully before going, and follow them.
There are water taxis available.