Eastham Cape Cod Beaches - Nauset Light

Nauset Road and Ocean View Drive, Eastham, MA
This beach is part of the National Seashore, the lighthouse is probably familiar as it is very frequently photographed. The beach is accessed via stairs and has steep and fragile cliffs. The beach is a wonderful sandy beach, with colder water and large waves. It is great for "boogie boards" and body surfing, and you'll often see seals sunning themselves offshore. The beach stretches for miles on either direction.
This is a great beach for families to enjoy.There are wonderful programs offered by the National Park Service, headquarted close by on Route 6, you can sign up for bonfires held nights during the week. There is a changing area, showers and rest facilities at the beach, but no food is sold. The parking at the beach is limited, and you need to arrive early. You can park in the lot at Nauset High School on Cable Road, about 1/2 mile away and walk to the Beach.
Handicap Parking: Yes
Resident Parking Fee: $45 beach sticker
($10 for age 62+)
Seasonal Parking Fee: $45 beach sticker
Daily Parking Fee: $15 ($3 for bikes)